Q & A With James
Meet James, our Development Groups Coordinator
If you have participated in any of our Development Programs then you’ve probably met James! James is our Development Programs Coordinator here at DAS and- are we ever lucky to have him– because he brings with him 25 years of experience in education, with 9 of those working as a Special Education Teacher. James has a creative streak too! He plays guitar with a band who play gigs all over Newcastle and he also has a keen eye for painting and creating art. He translated this passion for creativity and education into studying Art Therapy. James loves learning and sharing his knowledge with others. If you haven’t met James yet, you’re probably keen to meet him now too.
Our current term of Development Programs have wound up for the year, so we thought we’d catch up with James and find out what they got up to this term and what’s in store for next!
James! Tell us a little bit about each of the Development Programs currently available at DAS?
This is our Independent Living Skills Program. Every Friday the Group engages in games, activities and discussions that are designed to develop Participants’ competence and confidence. The Course covers Self-awareness, Healthy Relationships, Lifelong Learning, Employment Readiness, Home Management and Community Connectedness.
Our Cooking Group – Participants learn how to prepare dishes that are: Cheap, Healthy, Easy, Fast and Fun to make. Each week we practise a variety of kitchen skills as we produce delicious and nutritious meals. This current Term has been focussed on Barbecuing and many of our sessions have occurred outdoors.
For the development of Critical Thinking Skills, this Program provides Participants with opportunities to share their well informed and reasoned opinions in friendly, and often humorous, discussions. Listening, speaking and thinking skills are practised as we grapple with issues of philosophical/political/ethical interest.
An opportunity to exercise the imagination and get creative! This is our Saturday morning Art Group. Lately, we have been making Paintings on Canvas; designing interesting compositions and using various paint application techniques. We discuss artistic concepts, study famous artists and put our ideas into practice. For early 2023, we are planning a Printmaking Course in which Participants will design and print their own T-shirts.
The CHEFF Cooking Group eating their creation as a group at our DAS Campus
Jacob and Henry getting hands on in the Create! Development Group
Tell us about some of the activities / lessons / typical day for each group?
Each session begins with fun ‘Icebreaker’ activity (e.g. a game of Celebrity Heads) to help everyone feel at ease and more ready to engage in the subsequent discussions. Participants are involved in watching video scenarios, completing worksheets, producing drawings, playing games and going on excursions to explore the community. Last week we learned how to fix a fly-screen and change a tap washer in a very practical, tactile lesson. This week we will be talking about Rental Market Readiness and Tenants’ Rights and Responsibilities.
Our CHEFF attendees may offer suggestions for meals they’d like to make. We then consider what components and methods our cooking projects will entail; along with costs and budgeting issues. Discussions also revolve around the nutritional, cultural and aesthetic aspects of our creations. Participants are involved in shopping for ingredients, all stages of food preparation (with attention given to safety and hygiene), dining together and, of course, cleaning up! Many different kitchen skills (e.g. slicing veggies; boiling rice) are practised throughout the Course. We also play games in the yard and sometimes go for scenic walks for a bit of exercise.
Every Thursday evening the intellect is flexed as we ponder challenging ideas, ethical dilemmas, and life’s little conundrums in animated and expressive discussions. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, share ideas; validate their opinions with reasons and listen carefully to responses. Each week we focus on a different theme (e.g. ‘Order and Chaos’; ‘What is Beauty?’) and often watch relevant YouTube clips. We examine (cognitive and communicative) strategies that can be adopted for clearer explanation and understanding. Logical fallacies are also described/defined/illustrated so that flawed arguments may be more easily identified. We also have puzzles, riddles, games and quizzes that make the Sessions very funny and enjoyable!
Each Session involves practical experimentation with Art Making Practices (e.g. drawing techniques; colour mixing/blending) along with the study of Art History (Movements in Art and Key Concepts). We also look at the work of specific artists’ to explore styles and methods. Participants are provided with materials with which they can put discussed ideas into practice and are encouraged to express themselves freely. At the end of the sessions, time is allowed for a thorough clean-up of the studio and then we sit down to critique our creations in a positive/constructive way. Next year’s Program will involve: Printmaking; Tie Dying; Abstract Art; Mosaic and much more!
What do you love the most about running these programs?
The people involved! All of the Participants this year have been so enthusiastic and funny and have such great attitudes. There’s never a dull moment and always lots of laughs. The Support Workers, Team Leaders and other DAS Staff are all so clever and proactive in the ways they assist with facilitating the Courses – just a joy to work with. I’m thrilled to notice all the little ‘wins’ we have along the way – moments of realisation and burgeoning skill development; it’s such a rewarding job!
What were some of the highlights from this term?
I’m very pleased to say that I’ve noticed gradual skill development in all Participants across all Programs this Term.
Think Tank, especially, has helped attendees with their ability to formulate ideas into words; the improvements in articulation and conversational conduct are incredible. The CHEFF Group has enjoyed many delicious BBQ meals together and it’s always a great social occasion. The CREATE! Group has produced some amazing, colourful artworks too! I’m looking forward to seeing some of these awesome creations displayed in an exhibition soon. Stay tuned!
The CHEFF Cooking group still like to get together socially between terms!
When are the next round of Development Groups starting up?
Term One for 2023 is scheduled to start in late January. Throughout the year we are hoping to expand the existing Groups into multiple sessions per week and are also planning to start a Music Group (to provide tuition in various instruments and experience in composing/ performing/ recording songs).
How long does each term go?
The Programs all run for 10 weeks (1 session/week) except for CREATE! Which runs fortnightly on Saturdays (6 sessions over a 12 week period).
What happens if someone doesn’t know which program they want to participate in?
Consider where your strengths lie and, also, in what areas you may need to build greater capacity/competence. Think about which Program(s) most closely align with your goals. Note that all of our Groups are great for Social Interaction too! And, in any case, please call me on 0488 639 517 or send me an email to the address provided below. I’m happy to answer whatever questions you might have and to provide more detailed information for all of our Development Groups.
Thank you James for taking the time to chat with us about the Development Programs at DAS! If you have any questions or would like to come along to one of our Development Groups please feel free to email us groups@dasnsw.com.au