Discovering Ikigai: A guide to finding your passion

In the journey of life, each one of us seeks that elusive sense of purpose, that "reason to wake up in the morning". This quest for meaning becomes all the more significant for young people living with disabilities, who may face unique challenges and barriers, or may not “fit the mould”. Fortunately, the Japanese concept of Ikigai offers a powerful framework to help mentor and guide young individuals towards finding their own path to fulfilment.

So what is ‘ikigai’? Pronounced /ee-kee-guy/ it can be loosely translated as a ‘sense of life purpose’ or a ‘reason for being’. ‘Iki’ refers to ‘life’ or ‘living’ and ‘gai’ relates to ‘value’ or ‘worth’. It is best represented visually in a venn diagram. When you balance ‘what you love’ with ‘what you’re good at’, ‘what the world needs’ and ‘what you can get paid to do’, there you will find your ikigai.

So how can you find your ikigai? The following tips will help guide you on your way.

**1. Embrace Your Passions:** The first step on the path to discovering your Ikigai is to identify your passions. What do you love to do? What activities bring you joy and make you feel alive? Whether it's painting, music, writing, or any other pursuit, embracing your passions is key to igniting your sense of purpose.

**2. Recognize Your Unique Talents:** All people possess unique strengths and talents. Identify what you excel at. It might be problem-solving, empathy, or creative thinking. Embrace these abilities as your vocational strengths, and consider how you can leverage them to make a difference in the world.

**3. Find Your Mission:** Everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the potential to make a positive impact. Explore the needs of your community or the world at large. What issues or problems resonate with you? Your mission could be as simple as supporting others who share similar challenges or advocating for a cause that matters deeply to you.

**4. Discover Sustainable Avenues:** Financial independence is a vital aspect of leading a fulfilling life. Explore ways to turn your passions, talents, and mission into a sustainable profession. This may require creativity and adaptation, but it is possible to find a path that allows you to earn a living while pursuing your Ikigai.

**5. Seek Support and Mentorship:** It's important to remember that you don't have to embark on this journey alone. Seek out mentors, whether they are individuals who have faced similar challenges or people who are experts in your chosen field. They can provide guidance, inspiration, and valuable insights.

**6. Be Patient and Adaptive:** Finding your Ikigai is a process that may take time. It requires patience and adaptability. Embrace the idea that your purpose may evolve as you do, and that's perfectly okay.

In conclusion, Ikigai is a powerful concept that can guide young people in their quest for purpose and fulfilment. By embracing their passions, recognizing their unique talents, identifying their mission, and finding sustainable avenues for their profession, they can navigate life's challenges with resilience and optimism. Through mentorship and a patient, adaptive approach, they can discover their own Ikigai and lead a life filled with meaning and joy.

Click here to download our Ikigai Worksheet to help guide you towards your passion.

If you’re interested in learning more, giving it a try or finding a mentor to help you on your unique journey towards your ikigai, contact us to discuss today! We have programs, social groups and one-on-one mentoring available for NDIS participants. Scroll to the top of your screen and click on ‘Contact’ to get in touch.


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